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Remote Solar Survey – Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before requesting a remote solar survey from us. By requesting a survey, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Application and entire agreement

These Terms and Conditions apply to the provision of the Remote Solar Survey services (Services) by Absolar Solutions Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 12322471 whose registered office is at Engineering Centre, Southampton Science Park, SO16 7NP (we or us or Service Provider) to the person buying the services (you or Customer).

You are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions when you request a Remote Solar Survey or from the date of any performance of the Services (whichever happens earlier) and these Terms and Conditions and our quotation for performing the Remote Solar Survey (the Contract) are the entire agreement between us.

You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on our behalf. These Conditions apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms that you try to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.


A "business day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday in England and Wales.

The headings in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.

Words imparting the singular number shall include the plural and vice-versa.


We warrant that we will use reasonable care and skill in our performance of the Services including any specification in all material respects. We can make any changes to the Services which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement, and we will notify you if this is necessary.

We will use our reasonable endeavours to complete the performance of the Services within the time agreed; however, time shall not be of the essence in the performance of our obligations.

All of these Terms and Conditions apply to the supply of any goods as well as Services unless we specify otherwise.

You may request Services from us by providing us with the information required on our website or through any other means as instructed by us.

You must provide accurate and complete information to enable us to carry out the survey effectively.

We reserve the right to refuse any request for a survey without providing a reason.

Whilst we are able to offer the Remote Solar Survey across England, Scotland and Wales, our installer network may be limited in your area and therefore site visits and installation options are for selected regions only

The results of the Service are for information purposes only and the Service results are based on the information provided by you and the assumptions made by us using industry-standard software and methods. The Service results cannot be relied upon without a site visit being performed to confirm the assumptions used. The Service results may not accurately reflect the actual conditions on the site.

We do not accept any liability for any losses or damages arising from the use of the Services provided to you.

A site visit may be required to confirm the assumptions used in the Remote Solar Survey. The site visit will be arranged separately, and the cost will be agreed upon before the visit takes place. The site visit will be conducted by us or our authorised representatives. You must provide us with access to the property or site for the site visit.

Your obligations

You must obtain any permissions, consents, licences or otherwise that we need and must give us with access to any and all relevant information, materials, properties and any other matters which we need to provide the Services.

You must provide accurate information about the subject building for which the Service relates to.

If you do not comply with your obligations, we can terminate the Services.

We are not liable for any delay or failure to provide the Services if this is caused by your failure to comply with the provisions of this section (Your obligations).


The fees (Fees) for the Services are set out when you apply for a Remote Solar Survey and are on a time and materials basis.

The Fees are exclusive of any applicable VAT and other taxes or levies which are imposed or charged by any competent authority.

Cancellation and amendment

Either we or you can cancel the Service for any reason prior to the provision of the Remote Solar Survey results.

If you want to amend any details of the Services you must tell us in writing as soon as possible. We will use reasonable endeavours to make any required changes and additional costs will be included in the Fees and invoiced to you.

If, due to circumstances beyond our control, including those set out below (Circumstances beyond a party's control), we have to make any change in the Services or how they are provided, we will notify you immediately. We will use reasonable endeavours to keep any such changes to a minimum.


We will invoice you for payment of the Fees either:

a.            in advance of completion of the Services; or

b.            on the invoice dates set out in the quotation for Remote Solar Survey.

You must pay the Fees due within 7 days of the date of our invoice or otherwise in accordance with any credit terms agreed between us.

Time for payment shall be of the essence of the Contract.

Without limiting any other right or remedy we have for statutory interest, if you do not pay within the period set out above, we will charge you interest at the rate of 5% per annum above the base lending rate of the Bank of England from time to time on the amount outstanding until payment is received in full.

All payments due under these Terms and Conditions must be made in full without any deduction or withholding except as required by law and neither of us can assert any credit, set-off or counterclaim against the other in order to justify withholding payment of any such amount in whole or in part.

If you do not pay within the period set out above, we can suspend any further provision of the Services and cancel any future services which have been ordered by, or otherwise arranged with, you.

Receipts for payment will be issued by us only at your request.

All payments must be made in British Pounds unless otherwise agreed in writing between us.

Sub-Contracting and assignment

We can at any time assign, transfer, charge, subcontract or deal in any other manner with all or any of our rights under these Terms and Conditions and can subcontract or delegate in any manner any or all of our obligations to any third party.

You must not, without our prior written consent, assign, transfer, charge, subcontract or deal in any other manner with all or any of your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.


We can terminate the provision of the Services immediately if you:

a.               commit a material breach of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions; or

b.               fail to make pay any amount due under the Contract on the due date for payment; or

c.                are or become or, in our reasonable opinion, are about to become, the subject of a bankruptcy order or take advantage of any other statutory provision for the relief of insolvent debtor; or

d.               enter into a voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or any other scheme or arrangement is made with its creditors; or

e.               convene any meeting of your creditors, enter into voluntary or compulsory liquidation, have a receiver, manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed in respect of your assets or undertakings or any part of them, any documents are filed with the court for the appointment of an administrator in respect of you, notice of intention to appoint an administrator is given by you or any of your directors or by a qualifying floating charge holder (as defined in para. 14 of Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986), a resolution is passed or petition presented to any court for your winding up or for the granting of an administration order in respect of you, or any proceedings are commenced relating to your insolvency or possible insolvency.

Intellectual property

We reserve all copyright and any other intellectual property rights which may subsist in any goods supplied in connection with the provision of the Services. We reserve the right to take any appropriate action to restrain or prevent the infringement of such intellectual property rights.

Liability and indemnity

Our liability under these Terms and Conditions, and in breach of statutory duty, and in tort or misrepresentation or otherwise, shall be limited as set out in this section.

The total amount of our liability is limited to the total amount of Fees payable by you under the Contract.

We are not liable (whether caused by our employees, agents or otherwise) in connection with our provision of the Services or the performance of any of our other obligations under these Terms and Conditions for:

a.            any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, or expenses or;

b.            any loss of profits; loss of anticipated profits; loss of business; loss of data; loss of reputation or goodwill; business interruption; or, other third party claims; or

c.            any failure to perform any of our obligations if such delay or failure is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control; or

d.            any losses caused directly or indirectly by any failure or your breach in relation to your obligations; or

e.            any losses arising directly or indirectly from the choice of Services and how they will meet your requirements or your use of the Services or any goods supplied in connection with the Services.

You must indemnify us against all damages, costs, claims and expenses suffered by us arising from any loss or damage to any equipment (including that belonging to third parties) caused by you or your agents or employees.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for any fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any other matters for which it would be unlawful to exclude or limit liability.

Data Protection

When supplying the Services to the Customer, the Service Provider may gain access to and/or acquire the ability to transfer, store or process personal data of employees of the Customer.

The parties agree that where such processing of personal data takes place, the Customer shall be the 'data controller' and the Service Provider shall be the 'data processor' as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as may be amended, extended and/or re-enacted from time to time.

For the avoidance of doubt, 'Personal Data', 'Processing', 'Data Controller', 'Data Processor' and 'Data Subject' shall have the same meaning as in the GDPR.

The Service Provider shall only Process Personal Data to the extent reasonably required to enable it to supply the Services as mentioned in these terms and conditions or as requested by and agreed with the Customer, shall not retain any Personal Data longer than necessary for the Processing and refrain from Processing any Personal Data for its own or for any third party's purposes.

The Service Provider shall not disclose Personal Data to any third parties other than employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors or advisors on a strict 'need-to-know' basis and only under the same (or more extensive) conditions as set out in these terms and conditions or to the extent required by applicable legislation and/or regulations.

The Service Provider shall implement and maintain technical and organisational security measures as are required to protect Personal Data Processed by the Service Provider on behalf of the Customer.

Further information about the Service Provider's approach to data protection are specified in its Data Protection Policy, which can be found on our website. For any enquiries or complaints regarding data privacy, you can email: info@absolar.co.uk.

Circumstances beyond a party's control

Neither of us is liable for any failure or delay in performing our obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond the reasonable control of that party. Such causes include, but are not limited to: industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or any other event that is beyond the control of the party in question. If the delay continues for a period of 90 days, either of us may terminate or cancel the Services to be carried out under these Terms and Conditions.


All notices under these Terms and Conditions must be in writing and signed by, or on behalf of, the party giving notice (or a duly authorised officer of that party).

Notices shall be deemed to have been duly given:

a.            when delivered, if delivered by courier or other messenger (including registered mail) during the normal business hours of the recipient;

b.            when sent, if transmitted by fax or email and a successful transmission report or return receipt is generated;

c.            on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by national ordinary mail; or

d.            on the tenth business day following mailing, if mailed by airmail.

All notices under these Terms and Conditions must be addressed to the most recent address, email address or fax number notified to the other party.

No waiver

No delay, act or omission by a party in exercising any right or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy nor stop further exercise of any other right, or remedy.


If one or more of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that / those provisions will be deemed severed from the remainder of these Terms and Conditions (which will remain valid and enforceable).

Law and jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.

With a few clicks

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