Portsmouth City Council

Remote solar survey of entire city, available to all residents

Portsmouth City Council sought to understand the solar potential of the city, making information available to residents to help spark a solar revolution within the city.

Our client

Portsmouth City Council (PCC), already a leader in energy management among Local Authority, has an approximate population of 250,000 and more than 84000 residential properties. Portsmouth is one of the largest cities in Hampshire in terms of population and area.

The Challenge

PCC declared a climate emergency in March 2019 and decided to take a corrective step for cutting down the carbon emission level across the city. With around 84,000 residential properties in the city, PCC wanted to assist householders in the deployment of solar panels in a novel and unique way, decarbonising the city but also sparking growth in its local installer base. solar survey of the entire city was next to impossible and would have taken 4.5 years for a team of 10 members to cover the entire city. To overcome this labour-intensive and next-to-impossible task, PCC saw an opportunity in Absolar’s technology to cover the city quickly and make the data available to every household.

Our Solution

PCC & Absolar wanted to give the power of data-led decision-making to residents. With this intent, the online app Switched-on-Solar was developed, carrying out a solar survey of any residential property just by typing the postcode of the property. It provides details of estimated cost-saving, electricity produced, and CO2 savings. Our approach gave transparency and decision-making power to the end-user. Switched-on-Solar was created by Absolar’s in-house software development team using LIDAR technology, satellite imagery, and analysing the energy power consumption of each residential property.

The Results

A solar survey of the entire city was carried out to achieve the end results. Out of 84,217 residential properties assessed in the entire city, 36,000 were great for solar panel installation. This would save approximately £14.4m per year for households in fuel bills alone. Our technology identified 18,360 tonnes of carbon savings which could be achieved to help residents of Portsmouth decarbonise their property's energy supply.

What can Absolar do for you?

Absolar carries out remote solar surveys for commercial property, landlords, investors, and the public sector. These allow an instant understanding of the solar potential of any property or portfolio by using our state-of-the-art AI-based technologies. Following on from our remote survey, Absolar conducts detailed solar audits on chosen properties to deliver full business cases and optimum designs that can be carried forward to installation. For those ready to install, Absolar provides the full installation and ongoing care packages to ensure that solar potential is realised. To find out if our technology, skills, and experience can help you, please get in touch.

Sites assessed

1 City

Properties assessed


Carbon savings identified

18,360 Tonnes

potential savings identified


Completion date

March 2021

With a few clicks

Get a Remote Solar Survey. Simply enter the address of your building, and an Absolar survey report will be sent to you within 2 working days.